Regulatory Controls Division, Radiation Protection Department
Public Health
To ensure the safety of radioactive sources and protection from nuclear radiation hazards,
To inspect and issue the license for the safety of the radioactive sources and radiation apparatus
To endeavor for emergency preparedness and radiation awareness
To contact: No.123, Natmauk Road, Bahan Township,
Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 95-1 546261, Fax:95-1 545068
Email: [email protected]
Industrial Site

Prevention of Hazard

What We Do
The Regulatory Controls Department under the Department of Atomic Energy is still endeavoring to issue the licenses for imported/ exported, Radioactive Materials and Radiation Apparatus after inspection according to the IAEA guide lines. In order to save Radiation hazards to the public, Inspectors from the Department have to go and inspect to the respective sites which apply Radioactive Materials and Radiation Apparatus for their use license, registration and renewable application licenses with the Code of Practices ( Basic Safety Standards ) of IAEA.
1. To Read More
2. About The Department Process
3. Radiation Detection Measurement Lab: